When should i flower these. Super skunk.


Well-Known Member
Im growing in a closet four by 3 or so. 3 100 watt hps lamps. 1 2tube 4 foot floro ......wondering how long everyone waits to flower. Im worried if i do it too soon ill be dissapointed in the end.


buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
how much highth do you have,the plant will double in size while in flower

i usually put mine into flower when thei about a foot and they end up about two feet tall when their done


Well-Known Member
Yeah but if you wait too long, you'll be disappointed as well. Plants will double or even triple in size during flowering. If I were you, I'd start flowering now.

I'll tell you why I say this. I am going through that very problem right now. I let my plants grow to about a foot and a half tall before flowering. Now they are about 3 feet tall. With a 400 watt HPS, the plants are too tall in my opinion, the lower buds aren't gonna be very nice. They won't get enough light and they will be small & airy... so I really only have the top colas to look forward to. Next time, I will start flowering when the plants get to be about as big as yours are now.


Well-Known Member
Im 12 12 ing em tonight i have a 2 tube 4 foot floro over em. They are surrounded by 3 100 watt hps lamps and about 5 or so cfl bulbs. I have enough space to have ten feet if i need it. But smaller thicker denser is way better than long skinny and airy by far.


Well-Known Member
cant you just add light to the bottom of the plants and avoid the airy bud issue. i have moveable lamps . that allready surround my plants, and i dont have an issue adding more

Kief Chief

Well-Known Member
ive grown my white rhino to about 3 feet and still veging, about to flower though, how tall will she get u think?