When should I give up on seeing roots on the cuttings i've taken?

just wondering, I took clones twelve days ago and only have roots on showing on two cuts? This seems alot longer than normal? They are a different strain than what i've had in the past. They seem to look alright but no roots yet? Just wondering how long i should wait till i toss them in the trash. I've been dying to get this one strain adn worried that they might not turn out? I'm using rockwool and a dome. My temp is constant between 72 and 80? Just wondering why these little girls arent' showing any roots.


Well-Known Member
Cindy your too fast an old fart like me put's them in the dome and don't even go back for three week's and then sometime's I pinch off those root's! and wait for another two week's!!Jack.....


Well-Known Member
Does that make for better roots, Jack? I'll try it! I just get impatient to put them in the dirt!LOL


Well-Known Member
It force's them into a ball and then when you transplant with mycorrhizae they pop!! only trim what stick's through cube or??I just pinch off and stick back in and leave them ...I open one small vent at this time...jack


Well-Known Member
I saw roots on a kush clone for the first time yesterday. That clone had been in the dome since 6-16.
That's just about twice as long as the other 5 clones took. So wait at least 15 days.
