When should I harvest where I live


Well-Known Member
molasses is used to "sweetin" the flavor of the bud no idea if it works...but it would prolly just freeze things..you know molasses in winter time blah blah blah....use the tiger bloom as much as you want most people nute till about two weeks before harvest then flush for flavor reasons..again thats an opinion thing like the molasses I would nute every other water but idk about its an otdoor plant and I wouldnt consider myself the pinnacle of growing expertise I just grow for me.
Molasses is in no way used to sweeten or flavor bud. Its used to add potassium to organic grows.


Well-Known Member
Looks okay about a month to go hairs will all to turn amber and leavess will yellow then you will be very close


Well-Known Member
Molasses is in no way used to sweeten or flavor bud. Its used to add potassium to organic grows.
Never even tried Ive heard it used as a sweetner along with orange juice and other weird shit...like ive said before a lot of shit goes on that i dont know about


New Member
You already have cold damage on your white hairs. The really cold nights will probably hinder growth even if you just cover it. tbh I dont see that plant doing much in the next month but getting full on cold damage. The ONLY way I see them surviving is making a greenhouse like structure around them and keeping them warm at night with a heat source.
How do you think they are coming along now ? Any chance they may work out in your opinion



Well-Known Member
Ok so would a outdoor flood light be an issue if I have one near them that is motions sensitive and can come on periodically threw out the night. I doesn't shine on them or anything but they may get a little light creeping in.
first reaction is inline with indoor-mindset and uninterrupted completely dark periods...

But cannabis has been surviving in the wild under the light of the full moon, for millennia, so... idk?


Well-Known Member
Molasses is used to feed the soil microbes, it will not sweeten the flavor...feed the soil, feed the plants.
Your buds are just now getting to the point where they start to bulk up, in both mass and potency...don't be in too much of a hurry (hard I know) the plant will take a few light frosts and still be OK as long as the day temps are good (mid fifties and up) even some day time temps of temps in the mid forties will be OK...just hang in there and your patients will be richly rewarded


Well-Known Member
Hey Bufflufkis! I from Ontario too! I just moved out to Alberta 6 months ago. Im from Kitchener/Waterloo area. Im curious as to how you got ahold of some FoxFarm nutes? I was going to order some off amazon or ebay from the states but its so expensive due to shipping and customs etc.

The heater idea id be curious about too, if u have the time then i would try that, wrap them up at night and cover them with something. Just make sure you are up at the crack of sunrise to uncover them. And obviously keep the heater on a low setting propped up on something so its not sitting in damp grass.


Well-Known Member
So here's what's going to happen lol. The temps are not the issue, the mold that is caused by the moisture staying in the buds will be. With the cold temps the moisture will be trapped in the buds causing them to rot. Keep an eye on them and check the buds carefully, concentrate the search near the stalk, they will turn brown. When that starts to happen you will need to pull them or lose the whole thing. Plants will survive at anything above 0c. It will be wise to shake off any moisture each morning if possible. Covering the plant is not required and may make mold issues worse imo. Good luck and also just keep feeding them as you normally would.


New Member
So here's what's going to happen lol. The temps are not the issue, the mold that is caused by the moisture staying in the buds will be. With the cold temps the moisture will be trapped in the buds causing them to rot. Keep an eye on them and check the buds carefully, concentrate the search near the stalk, they will turn brown. When that starts to happen you will need to pull them or lose the whole thing. Plants will survive at anything above 0c. It will be wise to shake off any moisture each morning if possible. Covering the plant is not required and may make mold issues worse imo. Good luck and also just keep feeding them as you normally would.
By the picture I took yesterday can you tell how long I have to harvest I am not really sure this is my first harvest ?


Well-Known Member
only u can b the one to no this because u r up close and personal have a look through a scope and c how far the trichs have developed you could even take the best bud and leave the lower ones go a while longer if u dont think their ready ....


Well-Known Member
By the picture I took yesterday can you tell how long I have to harvest I am not really sure this is my first harvest ?
Still got a ways to go but again as soon as you see bud rot pull it or you'll lose it all. Its hard to say how long but I had a pandora start to rot two weeks ago in the last cold spell we had. As soon as the triches are cloudy I pull. I am usually running out by then lol. Next year pick something with a short flower, typically a 60 day finisher works well here.


New Member
Still got a ways to go but again as soon as you see bud rot pull it or you'll lose it all. Its hard to say how long but I had a pandora start to rot two weeks ago in the last cold spell we had. As soon as the triches are cloudy I pull. I am usually running out by then lol. Next year pick something with a short flower, typically a 60 day finisher works well here.
Hey thanks for the info I took another shot today and was wonder what you think it's gonna be cold here for the next 5 day it's gonna be like 4 at night and maybe like 12 during the dad but little to no sun mostly cloudy and rainy I checked the tricoms and they look a little cloudy and I saw a few amber ones what do you think by the pictures I don't if you can tell but any help is appreciated thanks dude

