When should i put seedlings under hid lights?


Well-Known Member
I have 10 nl and 1 kush seedlings. They are about a week old, they have 1 set of leaves. How long should I leave them under the floros??

Brooklynz Kush

Active Member
Give them some dark time 20/4 or 18/6.You dont really benefit much more from 24/0 after a month you can toss them under the big boy(H.I.D.)


Well-Known Member
His question was when to move them from flouros to a hps/mh lamp rather than how many hours to give a plant ligh.

You can put them under the MH lamp for vegging after the plants have rooted well in the cubes, but keep them about 36" away from the 1000w veg lamp, its too much light closer until the plants are around 6-7" tall.



New Member
start to finish with real light. as long as you dont physically burn them up close, the real light is what you want start to finish why waste time with cfl