When should I put to flower???

Hey everyone...I'm gonna attach some pics of the girls. This is my first grow and I've been using the boards almost daily for info and stuff. This place is awesome. One is a white widow and the other is a bubblelicious. They are 6 wks in veg as of yesterday and I was wondering when I should put the babies into flowering. I'd like to take some clones to keep the cycle going but I'm not sure if they're big enough yet. Any thoughts? If I flowered them now how much would I harvest or if I wait how long???? So many questions hahaha
I just FIM'ed the top of one plant a few days ago so I know I have to wait to let that grow out idk how long that normally takes, just wondering if they are growing adequately and in sched and what I should plan for.



New Member
they will double if not tripple in hight so keep that in mind if i was you i would wait 2 weeks and allow the side branches time to develop



Well-Known Member
Deciding on when to flower is generally a two part proposition; how soon do you want product, and how much height do you have.

Many strains (I can confirm white widow) will grow 2-3 times the height it currently is when you flip the lights, then vertical growth usually stops between 21-25 days of flowering.

Regarding clones, Most use stems that have at least one offshoot leaf on it, but it might be worth a try with one or two of your lower leaves. For the FIM, you want to give between 7-14 days for the plant to do a bit of recovery, but I do know people who flip lights the same day as FIM/top.



Well-Known Member
When to flip to 12/12 is quite subjective. Many variables need to be considered.
How much height do you have to work with?
Intensity and style of lighting determine how large to let your plants get before flowering...(how far can the light penetrate your canopy efficiently etc).
Difficult to give specific advise without knowing your set-up details.
Good luck.bongsmilie


Active Member
they look really small to start flowering...
you should check your soil Ph to be sure they are in range to absorb all the nutrients they need.

I'd let them get at least a 1.5 feet tall before I switched...
but...that really depends on how much space you have...
and what strain....

My white widows got 3+ feet tall easily....
1.5 - 2ft in veg....the rest in flower....
and you can get them REALLY bushy

widow takes really well to supercropping and topping...
let her get big if you want a good yield.
I have them in 3 gal pots with soil now. I'm using a 400w hid MH and am gonna flower them with a 400w HPS. I have a decent amount of height to work with about 6 ft tall and 4 ft wide but I know if they get too big the light won't penetrate. This is my first grow and I've never done any topping or supercropping before. FIM'ing the one took me some time haha. Cutting something I prayed would grow was tough. I didn't want to mess them up. Can anyone explain this supercropping and what it does?


Active Member
Supercropping is AWESOME!

you can basically take a fresh part of the stalk and bend it back and forth till the inner stem breaks...then let it hang at a 90 degree angle
a few days later your plant will have recovered and a hard node formed where the break was.

I do this after I top when my plant gets about a foot tall...and I do this to a few branches each time...usually between week 3 of veg all the way up to week 2 of flower...
thus encouraging more bushiness and eventually...a taller plant.
those nodes that form give your plant an extra kick...and you may notice that the buds above all supercrop locations are bigger than others without...

look up some youtube videos on it before you go bending and twisting...
there;s several methods... and always keep some duct tape on hand!

dont be afraid to top, fim, and or supercrop several times (once or twice a week)
until they get as bushy and tall as you want..

I use a 400W MH in veg... it works pretty good.
I found I was keeping my light too close for a long time...
really bushy but no height...
as soon as I raised the light a foot...my ladies started stretching more...


Well-Known Member
Well, the plants do look a little small for six weeks veg under a 400W HID.

How far away from the light are the plants?... maybe you can get them closer to enhance growth.

Look into LST in order to control future flowering stretch.

I only veg for about 4 weeks or so, and then bend the plants down to maintain uniform canopy if stretch becomes a problem.
I vegged them under floros for the first 4 wks. So they've only been under the HID for about 2 wks. But even then I feel like they're still lacking. Idk. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Right now the MH is 15 inches over the plants.


Active Member
raise your light 6" and see if they stretch in one light cycle....
2 more weeks under the MH and your ladies should be 2+ ft tall...easily...