when should i start seeing good trich production?

New Grower 420

Active Member
my plants a few weeks into flowering outdoors but im not really seeing many trichomes when should i start to see a good covering? and is there anything to give the plant to help with the production of trichs?im already useing unsulpherd molasses to kinda help out with flowering.


Well-Known Member
It will be kinda hard to answer that question because there is no specific point as to which you may begin to see the heavy coating you desire. All strains are different and the packing on of crystals vary strain to strain. Usually after the first 4-6wks you'll start the see the sugary coated buds you're looking for but what you're really looking for won't happen until the last 2-3wks of finishing. I see you are using molasses which will definitely help pack em on. I use sweet which is equivalent to molasses for my hydro grow and I have noticed a significant difference in my onset of flowering (earlier) as well as a very noticeable increase in Trich production. Hopes this helps out and no rep is needed, this was an easy one:leaf:


Active Member
My skywalker kush is only a few week into flowering and has trichs on the buds and fan leaves already. It all depends on your strain.

New Grower 420

Active Member
well it seems like i went in 2 days from having none at all to having a covering on some of the leaves so im expecting to have some frosty nugs in a few weeks


Active Member
My SourCali x Super Silver Haze plant showed her first trichs at about 16 days of 12/12, and that's the earliest I've ever had one show.


Active Member
It will be a bit before you see trichs. most plants produce most of their tichs in the last 4-6 weeks. it does mainly depend on strain. I have had strains that show trichs 2 weeks in and strains that get really frosty 8 weeks in.