When should I start to bud? Pics

Plants are about 7 weeks old under 1000 mh (from clone).
I just topped them this past week (late, I know).
Just raised them off of the ground and switched most to 10 gallon pots from 3 gallon. 2 were transplanted into 20 gallon pots a few weeks ago and are among the tallest (though not the tallest), but they have significantly larger girth/wingspan/bushiness.
I think not having them closer to the light and not topping earlier has stunted their growth.
Temps good. Humidity good (have to use a heater and a humidifier).

New at this. I want to know when to switch to budding for maximization of yield i.e. I will wait longer for a better yield, but if I just let them keep getting bigger than I forgo starting new clones. 10 or so of the 14 16" - 18" after topping. I don't think they are very bushy and won't produce what I'm hoping for.

If you can't see them, let me know and I will try to retake them.

7' ceilings, too. I think this could be an issue and I'm thinking about arching them or tying them. 111.jpg112.jpg113.jpg110.jpg109.jpg


it looks like the light is too far away imo. is it cooled? if so i would drop that thing to about 20 inches off the tops. and start 12/12 now. they are going to double in size figure. so with 7 ft vertical 18 inches sounds good to start budding.


those aer 7 weeks old? they look small for their age. good on ya for using a metal halide for vegging, doesn't get any better imo. Put the light closer and you may get better results.


Active Member
... If i had 20 gallons pots ill be letting those girls grow fat and bushy... 2 feet tall at or more and 4 feet wide... what kind of nuts you use organice or cemical??? i would be giving the a strong dose of nutes every watering ... youll see how fast the girls will grow.... ooo and like krowlee said light need to be 18 -20 inches away from the girls if there air cooled.. hope tis helps ... send me a message if you need more info... happy grows
Ya, for about 6 weeks the lights were 5' away. I created a platform and they're now 16" taller, so 3.5' away. You guys still think that is too far away?
Veg room is 7' x 8' or so.
Bud room is 11' x 14'.
I'm using Advanced Nutrients. It's the lower dose version where you give them nutes for 6 days and then straight ph-ed water on the 7th day.
I have 6" intake with HEPA.
For exhaust I have a filter and a 10" max.
I have a regular fan in there for wind, too.
I am not sure, I was thinking about taking like a 6" mini fan, affix it to the wall at an upward angle to point at the light.

So, I should let them get bushier? And I should get the light closer then.
LIght lowered.jpgUPDATE

I lowered the light - I'm not sure, probably about 15".
I'm not sure if you can see the two 20 gallon pots on the left side. I'm worried about them not receiving enough light.
They are below the shade line the light casts around the room, but I don't think they are receiving enough direct light.
14 plants for one light....is that too much?