When should I start to flower...


Well-Known Member

I have just started week 4 of my veg... my plants are kind of looking like shit because i had a minor lack of watering problem... i lost some leaves due to yellow crisping.. the plant is still making new shoots from the top..

I have reached about 12" nothing really special but it's more then half the room in my box. How should I top the plants? I don't want to mess anything up.. Anyone have a link to a real good method with pics?

I am growing a reggies bag seed just to learn how to do this on small scale.

What should i do next.


Well-Known Member
just pinch of 90% of the newest growth. You don't have to top. But you definitely have to flower. Soon as possible, your plant will get 2-3x bigger in flower at least.


Well-Known Member

This is the best pics I can get w the damn macbook camera in the spot they are in. What do you think? I don't have as much leaves as many people have. Will these things only create a tiny amount of bud? I am hoping to get about an OZ.

Or should I top and let grow sideways for about a month?



Well-Known Member
More light. Get rid of the transparent containers. Sorry dude but your going to have a hard time getting an oz from that. But maybe it's just the blurry pics?


Active Member
the lights should have been closer to the top of the plants ive fucked over like 4 grows in my stealth box but i find if i put my cfl lights really close to the plant the grow short and busy instead of tall and skinny and mine is actually starting to look like a real grow lol