when should i stat the flowering cycle?

when to flip the switch

  • Total voters


blue dream clones 3 weeks old
4ft 6 bulb t5 half cold and half warm bulbs
2ft x 4ft tent
temps stay around 78 to 84 humidity is between 40 and 55
fox farm ocean forest
3 gallon pots
veged under smaller light for 3 weeks 24/7 4 bulb 2 foot
now the light cycle is 18/6 under the larger light

when should i trow the switch on these plants



dude, it depends on how much space you have and how much you wanna get, if i was you i would wait about 2 to 3 more weeks...
maybe but dont over do it they are looking great id say 2-3 weeks flower they are going to triple in size so...... ull get good yeild get some more light to the sides!


Well-Known Member
def give it another week.

heck, why not give it another 3 or 4 weeks even?

you could.. but remember.. this is how you can determine the final height of the plant too.

The longer you veg them, the bigger their going to be. The more roots the plant will have.. the bigger and more roots your plant has..

the better and bigger your buds are going to be... meaning your final yield. ;)

That's my thoughts.

peace. and good luck.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you want to keep them smaller you would flower when they are a little less than half the height you want them to finish at. you can top if you want but i would reccomend giving them at least 5-7 days after the top before flipping the lights so that there is at least a bit of growth at the snip site.


i decided to wait half the week with my new 6 bulb t5 they really took off in the last few days i fliped the switch this morning and added two 4 foot t12 balasts with one warm bulb and cool bublb each i will swap the bulbs to warm only this weekend

