when the chopper spots a grow question

Yesterday i saw what looked like one of those national guard choppers go over my spot but it didnt stop, it just went over it. Got me thinking and my question is this, how long after they spot it do they usually yank it?
Im hoping they werent even searching because it sort of went past out of sight thena few minutes later came back and went past never to return. Id think they would of stopped above it if they spotted it. Also it was about an average height youd see one fly imo. Not ready to pull so i guess ride it out. Im just wanting an idea of how long the window of spot then rip is for then to know im good lol never again will i put 11 in a 12x15 ish size spot!
When i first heard it i was a few hundred ft away from the spot. I thought lifestar at first because fly overs in ct arent common but do or have happened. Anyway, once i realized the sound was a chopper i got a sort of distant look from under a tree and id take an uneducated guess of atleast a a few hundred feet up


Well-Known Member
National guard , will not be ripping up your plants , but they may report you

If they did see the grow and someone close it's unlikely they would stop (unless it's about to be riped out anyway). If they stoped it would tip the grower off ...


Well-Known Member
I've read from experienced growers they will not take the time to mess with anything less than 12 plants. Now if this applies to illegal states I have no idea.. But if in an illegal state and a neighbor rats on you I am sure they will take the time to knock on your door, I've seen that happen.. But as far as the helis idk. I have a legal grow and have seen copters fly over all summer long. Only 40 miles from the Air Force base tho. Even tho I'm legal it still
Messes with me sometimes lol.
Well i think im ok because nothing happened. I spent so much time choosing a gurilla spot nobody can find on the ground that i over looked the possibillity of a fly over


Well-Known Member
Well i think im ok because nothing happened. I spent so much time choosing a gurilla spot nobody can find on the ground that i over looked the possibillity of a fly over
I hear that, I always let the ground trump the air! I'd rather chance a fly over, and just have less per square foot, than chance a person finding it while out and about. I'll bet over 90% of the overall Guerrilla grows in North America are flown over without ever being visited anyway IMO. Besides there's just way too many people doing it these days. Anyone else notice the busts have really slowed down this year and a little bit last year too?.