When to chop?


New Member
Hi Guys,

Had these girls growing from seed(sensi skunk#1 65% indica rest sativa) from 7th December 2013 and veggged them for 6 weeks.

3 x 600w hps dual spec
fed on canna a+b, cannazym in flower pk14/14 + big bud now on overdrive and AN Cha Ching!

Had a burn issue when fan temp controller broke and this meant I had to top the main stem off 3-4 plants 2nd week into flower and it partially damaged the others, also cropped some of the bottom growth in 4th week.

So I am on week 8 today in flower but I have checked trichomes and most are clear but it could be because this is indica dominant and you cannot judge off trichs. although the pistols are browning a lot on 2 of them.

I have read that having to cut back sets back flowering by a week so I have held back on cuting them down yet as there is mabbe some swelling to go yet, what do you think about this?

I was only going to water with plain water as in coco for 3 days, cut a bud of the other day and smoked last night and it was pretty strong compared to what we buy on street but it had a slight nuit to it!

The fotos are not the best but would appreciate your feed back! :)


I can try and take some more better pics if you cant tell from these!



Well-Known Member
looks like another two weeks min. Be patient bro you don't want to chop early because you will end up with bunk weed only good for noobs like greentrip lol.


Well-Known Member
Almost there. Maybe another week. Not more than that. The thing about cutting back puts back harvest by a week is a myth.


New Member
CIMG1751 (Large).jpg

This is the best I can do as don't have access to a decent digi camera and the one I got the viewing screen is broke so I can't even focus it properly! Thx