When to flower?


Hi everyone,

I have 4 plants here, 2 superskunk, 1 afghan and one sativa (from bag).
All of them are 5 weeks old.
They are indoor in a cabinet 30 inches high.
PH is average 6.8. Temperature 28-31 celsius.
Nutrients in the water, NPK 4-14-8. Dripping system is on once a day for 5 minutes.
Soil is some gardening soil with humus (some with worms living in it)
I've already transplanted those plants to a bigger pot, 7 inches wide and 7 inches high.
The tallest one, a sativa from bag, is almost 12 inches high, the second one, a superskunk, is almost 10 inches. The other 2 are almost 6 inches.

Lights are 2 85w cfl + 4 32w clfs. 24/0, since sprout.

My questions is: Due to the lack of space avaiable (only 17 inches to reach top - hitting lights), should i go ahead and flower those babies on 12/12 lights?

Here are some pics.

Once again a really apreciate the help. :)

photo 4.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg


Active Member
Plants will double or even triple in size during flowering. You can flower when plants reach 6 inches minimum with 4 sets of true leaves.



So, should i top them now and wait 2 weeks or should i got directly to flower 12/12?