When to Flower?


Active Member

I have a small cupboard grow with a 400w HPS with 5 plants. My 2 largest are an unknown strain and have been vegging for just over 6 weeks. I am not sure exactly when to put into flowering and am not sure if height is a good guide to use. Both plants are approx 15/16" from root to tip and are looking very heathly and starting to stink out my cupboard.

I have included pictures in my gallary and will and the link below. Any advice is appreciated on when I should flower. As I have a small cupboard I do not want to go to high but also didnt want to top them as its my first grow and didnt want to experiment too much.

If you need more info please get in touch.




Well-Known Member
You can flower whenever you want. Your plant will almost double in size during flowering, so start now if you dont want tall plants.


Active Member
when do i start flowering?
Is this a daft question I take it? As this is my first grow I am still learning the terminoligy.

I am going to put my 2 biggest into a blacked out room for 36hours and then start on a 12/12 cycle. They were on 18/6 for 6 weeks and a reasonable height so hopefully I will get a decent yeild.

How easy is it to tell the strain by looking at photos? I sont know what the 2 biggest are but would like to know. I was going to take cuttings but think I will just get some seeds for my next grow. I still have some white widow feminsed seeds growing but they are only about 3/4weeks old and at different stages of growth.


Well-Known Member
work around 4 weeks VEG and then each plant has a flowering time which is how long it takes in flowering but yh 4 weeks veg or more they say the longer you veg sometimes you get more bud


Active Member
Cheers for that. I have put them in or 36hours of darkness and will put them back under the 400w HPS 12/12. I dont have a carbon filter currently but as the smell is gonna get stronger I better start thinking of one.

I have another 3 growing but if I get them to flower at 4 weeks i recon they would be quite small. I suppose I will see with the two in darkness as they will prob grow more that the space.


Well-Known Member
Do you definitely see pre flowers? If so, put it into 12/12 whenever you want. Putting a plant into 12/12 before you see pre flowers stresses the plant - so I've read.

Depending on pot size, it can grow anywhere from 1-2 feet bigger - genetics also plays a role. I have mine in 3.5 gallon pots and flowered when they were around 12 or 14 inches. Mine has grown 1.3 ft more since being in flower. Hope that helps any.



Active Member
I can see some pre flowers, i think :)

I have had them in darkness for bout 12 hours now so will carry on with it until tomor night and give them 12/12. They will be sharing the cupboard with the other 3 plants so will have to move them out as they are still on 18/6.

when your plants were 12-14 inches how old were they?