when to flower


New Member
My plant is 24 days from seed. I was wondering if i can start to flower now or if i should wait a couple more weeks.i only have 6 ft of height to grow in.. pic included



Well-Known Member
I'd definitely wait. Plants double or triple in height when they hit their growth spurt after switching them over. I'd at least let them get a foot tall or so before switching them.


Active Member
Hey man if youre not in any rush Id let her veg for another couple of weeks,with 6 ft of grow space its not like you dont have the room.The way I see it,but its just my opinion,if youre not going to veg for longer than 2.5 weeks from seed,then you may as well just grow 12/12 from seed as they veg for two or three weeks that way anyway.However,if youre going to veg you may as well do it right and give her at least maybe 4.5/5 weeks,which will dramaticaly increase your yield in the long run.
Thats just my 2c worth mind!Good luck.Peace:joint:


Active Member
Sorry I meant to say,also it looks like youve just topped her so itd give her longer to recover


Well-Known Member
I see that you topped it, let it recover a bit then you can flower it. Don't be in such a rush, let it get a little more growth.


New Member
Yeah man i dont know what the problem is.. i got her under 2 75w cfl bulbs no nuts cause im growing in MG. I only water her once every 8 days but i think i have a drainage problem. Even after a week w no water my meter readings are saying the soil is still wet. Any suggestions will help.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
stop using meters. They're typically useless. Learn to gauge the weight of the pot when wet and when dry. But it'#s a small plant in what appears to be a pretty large pot so it will take quite a while for it to drink up the water if you're watering till you get runoff.

And as to your lighting, with those lights, you might as well flower now. It would be an absolute waste of your time vegging them a foot tall let alone to take up 6ft in flower.


Beware of mg moisture control, it's not good for herb. Those are true 75w cfl's right? Not 75w replacements.


Well-Known Member
IMO you get the best result if you let em mature before you flip em, if height is a problem consider a scrog or heavy LST before flowering and the first 2-3 weeks (the stretch)

(maturity = once the plant starts to set random Nod´s/leaves stands instead of in pairs and later on you will also be able to see the sex, normally after 6 weeks +/- of veg depending on strain and grow phase aso)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man i dont know what the problem is.. i got her under 2 75w cfl bulbs no nuts cause im growing in MG. I only water her once every 8 days but i think i have a drainage problem. Even after a week w no water my meter readings are saying the soil is still wet. Any suggestions will help.
put your fingers in the soil (about 1 inch deep) to check if its still damp. if not, then water. if so, check back the next day if it still is


Active Member
id flower it i tried growing a plant with 10 26w true cfls and it would not flower cause it grew to big for those lights just a heads up. Unless you add a bunch of bulbs.


Well-Known Member
26 watt lamps CFL....
Get as many as will fit in your grow room...
You can not add too much CFL, unless it drives up your heat... yes CFL's cause heat...
I have over 40 --26 watters in Veg... I like CFL's for veg... I am in control of my plants height....
Max for me in veg=14-16 "
These fat short plants are put into Bud when they will max out my Bud room height...
Bud Room Height = Max 42" under lights [so room must be kept under lights and top cola]
My final plants always stretch and grow to 28-36".... So, basically double in size....

Good luck...


Well-Known Member
So: 1- use as many as you can afford,
2- Use as many as will not raise your temp too high...
That's the simple rule of CFL's...
Too many CFL's is/are and Oxymoron....