When to give calmag/is this feeding right (ME coco/perlite)


Well-Known Member
First question

I'm using Mother Earth Coco/perlite 70/30
From what I've read, It IS prebuffered.

WHEN do I start using calmag?

Next question. For the plant I am using FoxFarmsTrio on. I have tried converting the hydro schedule to 1/4 for the first week, 1/2 second, 3/4 third and full strength starting week 4.
Is that right? Is that how I should do it?

I.E this first week I am giving my plant.
5ml of BB and 5ml of GB per 1gl water
also giving 4 cups of the mix per day.
So I’m using the same trio and yes that worked better then doing the recommended feeding schedule it shows. The cal-mag says to start right before flower which I did with one grow but with their clones I’m actually going to start here on the next feed. And for the trio u don’t have to do the max strength remember less is more for the ladies sometimes. What cal mag you using the bush doctor one?
So I’m using the same trio and yes that worked better then doing the recommended feeding schedule it shows. The cal-mag says to start right before flower which I did with one grow but with their clones I’m actually going to start here on the next feed. And for the trio u don’t have to do the max strength remember less is more for the ladies sometimes. What cal mag you using the bush doctor one?

I havent used cal-mag yet. Unsure of how to use it and when.... I was thinking 2ml per 1gl and give maybe 1-2x a week.

Im using mother earth coco/perlite its prebuffered.

Also, im honestly probably going to stay at 3/4 str unless she gets a deficiency. Its easier to give more and make her better vs burning her

Can you tell me how you feed FFT from seed to harvest? Or do I have the right idea?
Ur on the right track I went max strength the full time not a good idea. Stay on ur track and you should be fine and 3/4 strength should be on point. My cal-mag says 5 ml every other feeding I do about 3/4 of that. But that’s all up to you on how you fee that. What cal-mag brand you using
IMHO.....the amount, or even the use of Cal-Mag really depends upon your water source.

I know people who never use it, but my water source comes straight off the mountains thus is virtually pure water, as such I must use a cal-mag supplement.

I have had cal-mag deficiencies within the first 2 weeks, so I give my seedlings 1/2 mg per litre.....then 1 mg per litre once they are established.

I have found I can start reducing the cal-mag supplements once they start to flower....then eventually none at all
Ur on the right track I went max strength the full time not a good idea. Stay on ur track and you should be fine and 3/4 strength should be on point. My cal-mag says 5 ml every other feeding I do about 3/4 of that. But that’s all up to you on how you fee that. What cal-mag brand you using
Yeah around 3ml per gl every other will suffice I believe but how much do you give when you water? Just a couple cups?
GUYS, when you feed you cal-mag mix to your coco, how much do you give? just a couple cups each time?
You feed coco one nutrient solution. The calmag is mixed into your water before you add your other nutrients, it's not something you feed separately. It's not a couple cups, or a specific amount, you water to run off. It'd be best to feed a constant amount of calmag, not alternating every other day.
GUYS, when you feed you cal-mag mix to your coco, how much do you give? just a couple cups each time?
I add calmag each time I give nutes, and feed enough of that until there is plenty of runoff-people say 10-20% runoff, but I just eyeball it.
So I can add call mag to my mix?

Step 1 - Pour water into a bucket. If you want to make 1 gallon of nutrient solution then put 1 gallon of water in the bucket.

Step 2 - Measure CalMag. Add CalMag to water in bucket. Stir well.

Step 3 - Measure other nutrients and add to your water in the bucket. Stir well.

Step 4 - Measure PPM/EC of solution. Confirm it's the strength you want to feed. If too high, slowly add more water to the solution to dilute to target EC. Stir well and confirm your final target EC.

Step 5 - Measure pH of nutrient solution. Adjust with pH up or down if needed. Range in coco is 5.5-6.5, with optimal pH of 5.8. Try to pH to about the same level every feeding. Big pH changes from feeding to feeding are stressful and unhealthy for the plant.

Be sure to confirm pH level every time before feeding, sometimes your nutrient pH will drift over time.

Step 6 - Repeat until harvest and enjoy.
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