When to harvest her?


Well-Known Member
My plant has been in flower, on 12/12 lighting for the last 8 weeks and two days. Unfortunately I do not have a microscope to check her closer. But a lot of the hairs are now turning brown. I have been watering her with just tap water for last 10 days no nutes etc.




Well-Known Member
yea agree, I would say your window started a week ago and stretch for another week atleast, all depend on how you want your weed and how desperate you are for smoke, I have chopped plant that looked like that, I also let some go for two week`s more or so


Well-Known Member
I cant tell if its my old eyes but it looks like theres some ambering. Lotsa cloudy. Check it again in six days i says :):):)


Well-Known Member
It's all about personal preference. I think you look good to go, but you could also wait another week. Your plant looks good man!


Well-Known Member
You can harvest when ever you want…

It has been my experience, that weed harvested where your plant is now,
will be too early…too many white hairs…

Get yourself a Mag [30-60% mag] Loop, only way to see amber trics…


Plant will make clear trics until the day you pull her…

Clear trics even turn cloudy as it dries and cures…

Amber/Tea colored trics = degraded THC, I don’t think you want that…

And yes, cloudy trics can turn to amber as plant cures/dries…

So, shoot for just a few amber trics…



bud bootlegger
1-2 weeks, remember you want 30% amber trichomes!

Amber tricks means the THC is starting to degrade, so 30% amber sounds like way too much IMO..
I like to wait till I just start seeing a few amber here and there, this tells me she's just about to start to degrade but isn't doing so quite yet..
I agree with everyone else, another 10/ 14 days or so


Active Member
Amber tricks means the THC is starting to degrade, so 30% amber sounds like way too much IMO.. I like to wait till I just start seeing a few amber here and there, this tells me she's just about to start to degrade but isn't doing so quite yet.. I agree with everyone else, another 10/ 14 days or so
It's a balance between the new trichomes coming into maturity and old ones starting to degarde, there is no right answer as personal preference makes such a difference.


Active Member
this is when you work on your bud dencity.. after the 60 day mark.. you sir could go to ten weeks, all depends on your plants:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Pics attached are from 12 hrs ago. She is looking like she has a fair amount of brown hairs. I ordered a loupe like 3 weeks ago from amazon and it still has not arrived.

I really need to cut her down in a few days due to a holiday coming up. I hope she will not still be a little young by then..



Well-Known Member
if you have to cut t down you gotta do what you gotta do. if you have extra time let it go a bit longer.