when to harvest? in bloom for 6weeks



hello, im wondering if anyone could tell by these pics about how long until harvesting? theyve been in 12/12 for about 6weeks i belive.. im just not sure about these redhairs, obviously i can see them on the pictures but theyre not very visible when i just use my eyes.. but yeah. how much longer do u guess? i dont think theyve been changing (growing) anything at all the last 3-4 weeks, they probably did but not something ive noticed..


allright thanks ppl. and this last period of time i should be using no nutes but still adjust the ph, correct?
at times they smell really bad. like old n moist i guess, i have a thing that measures the humidity n its at 55% but if ive got it allright it should be below 50? i put some plastic container with a bag of crystals or something that absorts the moist, i just got that changed so im hoping that will help, but can that be the cause of the bad smell? or is that just how they smell?


Well-Known Member
allright thanks ppl. and this last period of time i should be using no nutes but still adjust the ph, correct?
at times they smell really bad. like old n moist i guess, i have a thing that measures the humidity n its at 55% but if ive got it allright it should be below 50? i put some plastic container with a bag of crystals or something that absorts the moist, i just got that changed so im hoping that will help, but can that be the cause of the bad smell? or is that just how they smell?
You might be smelling the first sign of bud rot or bud mold. Inspect your plants carefully. 55% humidity is too high in the late flower stage. I'd want mine no higher than 40%, preferably at 30-35%. You may need to get more air circulating in or a dehumidifier. The smell you describe, old and moist is a sure sign of mold.


You might be smelling the first sign of bud rot or bud mold. Inspect your plants carefully. 55% humidity is too high in the late flower stage. I'd want mine no higher than 40%, preferably at 30-35%. You may need to get more air circulating in or a dehumidifier. The smell you describe, old and moist is a sure sign of mold.
ok, ill have a close look, but what am i looking for? can put another fan in, n maybe more of those plastic things there.. lets say id get the %down to under 40, can they still be fine then? or do i need to do something, or just throw them out n start over?


Well-Known Member
check out the harvesting and curing thread, will probably get more help there, and there are already a few threads dedicated to posting pics to get an idea of how much longer :)