when to harvest trich pics

both plants are 7 weeks from the showing of pistils and about 10 weeks from the change of the lights. How much longer do you think they have and when should I start flushing?
1st plantphoto1.jpg photo3.jpg photo5.jpg photo7.jpg photo8.jpg

2nd plantphoto1.jpg photo6.jpg photo8.jpg photo9.jpg photo10.jpg


Well-Known Member
Without seeing the whole plant, I say NO WAY.......the biggest mistake is taking your plant early......just wait until you check on your girls and they look totally different, that's when you know it's time.


Well-Known Member
amber means degraded thc..i agree with GREEN..whole plant analysis..i have plants that show me when theyre ripe by their color..i very seldom look at trichs..more by smell,look,keepin dates,knowledge of that strain,ect..
amber means degraded thc..i agree with GREEN..whole plant analysis..i have plants that show me when theyre ripe by their color..i very seldom look at trichs..more by smell,look,keepin dates,knowledge of that strain,ect..
Well the or strain is white critical and the plant smells great and the pistils are turning orange but I thought the trichs were the biggest deciding factor


Well-Known Member
depends..certain stages of ripeness give different highs smelks tastes ect..i do know that amber is degraded thc,and most people consider fifty fifty cloudy/amber is the way to go since youll get a blend of aged thc and the ripening trichs,giving a full spectrum buzz..its all in your preference..id stick with almost amber,but thats me..maybe get a feel for the strain by harvesting small buds at different stages and go from there...
depends..certain stages of ripeness give different highs smelks tastes ect..i do know that amber is degraded thc,and most people consider fifty fifty cloudy/amber is the way to go since youll get a blend of aged thc and the ripening trichs,giving a full spectrum buzz..its all in your preference..id stick with almost amber,but thats me..maybe get a feel for the strain by harvesting small buds at different stages and go from there...
Yeah that's what I think ima do is pull a lil off now n test it out


Well-Known Member
do that at many stages,recording the date..the one you like the most,remember the date,and next time you run it,let it got till it gotten to like ripeness:-D