when to harvest?


Active Member
the tips of the leaves started burning again about a week ago near the top and i don't know if its because theyre too close to the lights (CFL's...about 8" or so above the top of the plant...90 (was 135 but i unplugged one of the lights because of the leaf burning) total watts above the plant right now and another 30 or so watter next to the plant just for some light for the bottom leaves) or what...but i dont know if the plant is just dying or what. the bottom leaves have been turning yellow and falling off for a while now.

the plant is about 6 weeks into flowering right now. how do the buds look for being about 6 weeks old? and when should i harvest it? anything i can do about the leaves burning and turning yellow? i spray the whole plant down with water when i water it so that they dont burn as much but i dont know if thats really helping or not.

this is my first grow and i havent really messed with nutrients at all (except for natural fertilizer sticks) or even carbon dioxide. the plant looked beautiful before i started flowering it. the leaves were all a nice dark green and weren't burning on the tips or anything. i dont know what changed. one theory i have is the water...in my toilet here at my new apartment (moved 2 weeks ago), theres always a ring of black stuff around the top of the water. could there be something in the water thats killing my plant? is it too late to save? should i try bottled or distilled water maybe?

here is the plant:

would i get anything out of it if i harvested now or do i have a while to go still? i know its not full with buds but is it even smokable yet?


Well-Known Member
Sure, you can smoke it now. Might not get you high but you can smoke it.

What you're looking for is the trichomes to change from clear or cloudy to amber. When 50% are amber you're done. That's the simple answer.


Well-Known Member
same thing happened to mine. its either natural or nute burn. mj isn't always a beauty queen. just worry bout how the buds look not the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Stop sparying it w/ water when lites are on, will burn the plant. Wait till light cycle is off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, at night is better as the plant actually has time to process it and work with the water more efficiently then the water just heating up and vaporizing as well as burning your leaves. ;)

johnny on the pot

Active Member
hmmm... really mowbuss?, from my experiences spray feeding in the dark leads to mold/fungus.... outdoors anyway, had a lot of problems recently so ive been spray feeding in the morning, and using hydrogen peroxide and neem oil at night


Active Member
I think it's about ready now...I'll post some pics later tonight and see what you guys think. Seeds are growing on it now and probably about half of the hairs have turned brown. The plant itself doesn't look very healthy...just about all the fan leaves have turned brown and died off. It seems like the buds are very dry and not sticky like they used to be which kinda sucks.

But yeah...pics should be coming later tonight. I don't have a camera.


Active Member
well it looks like theres more brown hairs than white...but theres definitely still some white hairs left.