When to harvest


I am growing some Chunky Cherry Malawi under a 600 hps in a SOG. I'm pretty sure they are known to mature in 9 weeks. I am at week 7 and I can clearly see trichomes crystals standing on end with bulbous tops with a 10x's. I can't stand still long enough to see anything very well with a very small 60x/100x I just got in the mail. The trichomes are clear, but not translucent. Some are whitish, but none are amber or brown. I flushed a couple of days ago, but will need 10 more days to get the 2 weeks of dry time to use up excess nutes I've heard of people doing. In 10 days will the trichomes become more amber? Brown hairs are now on under 1/2 plants. Anyone have any familiarity with this strain?

I've read that if you turn the lights off for the last 3 days you can scare more THC out of the plants. Anyone have an ideas about this?

I've read that I can harvest ripe buds and drop the lights on the lower growth for a couple more weeks. Can I scare them for three days, cut ripe buds, the return to 12/12.

Thanks You now for any advice I receive.


I wouldn't scare the plant if I was you, this stage is vital to the growth of your buds. As a last ditch attempt to seed, your plant will draw all the goodness out of the plant and the buds will double in size. If you force the plant to finish, what would be 2 oz will only be 1 oz. Just carry on and start looking for brown pistels, once you see your first brown pistels, 2 or 4 weeks later, depending on the strain, it will be ready.


Thanks for taking the time to answer me phnx. I like this site because I can get multiple opinions on any question. Anyone else have anything to say about the questions in my original post?