When to harvest?


Active Member
what is about the perfect time to harvest a plant?? what color sshould the trichomes be?? what is the difference between cloudy and abmber coloroed trichomes?? The plant im growings trichomes are almost all cloudy.. any advice is aprreciated


Active Member
Naa id rather not go thru the trouble i just heard differnt trichs give u difeerent highs.. like cloudy is more of an up and amber color is more of a couch lock. but should i give it straight water on the next watering??


Well-Known Member
I harvest when i can see amber trics by eye, no microscope needed when it gets amber time and although some like to harvest cloudy i reckon most prefer amber or at least a certain percentage amber. I mostly go of seeing amber trics and what the bud looks like, if its swollen all over and the hairs have withered and receeded then its good. Most i grow has almost 90percent withered red hairs and swollen calyxs when ready and amber anyway, at this point whole groups of trics have turned amber, amber gold is the best!lol!

Take a plant with 5 buds, harvest each one one week after with the fith bud being the last and way past harvest time, roll a joint of each and see what high you prefer. Peace


Well-Known Member
I harvest when i can see amber trics by eye, no microscope needed when it gets amber time and although some like to harvest cloudy i reckon most prefer amber or at least a certain percentage amber. I mostly go of seeing amber trics and what the bud looks like, if its swollen all over and the hairs have withered and receeded then its good. Most i grow has almost 90percent withered red hairs and swollen calyxs when ready and amber anyway, at this point whole groups of trics have turned amber, amber gold is the best!lol!

Take a plant with 5 buds, harvest each one one week after with the fith bud being the last and way past harvest time, roll a joint of each and see what high you prefer. Peace
i like waiting for amber trichs as well!!


Active Member
its just about every 7 to 9 days in a 5 gal bucket and im just using cfls so it doesnt dry out too fast.. well the last watering i gave it a lower dossage but i think im just gonna go pure water with a little big bloom