when to harvest


Hi all I Put 5 bigbuddha blue cheese on 12/12 on the 28 of October should I start counting 9 weeks from 12/12 or from when you see pistiles I THINK the buds are swelling up allergy but not sure its my first attempt plus don't have strong magnifying glass but they look clear from what I can see was going to go on flush 2 weeks before harvest when they start swelling up flush as that takes 2 weeks and dont no what to expect when they say the buds swell can eney 1 help


Misguided Angel
Counting from when you first see pistils will give you a better timeline. In all likelyhood you are maybe half way through your flowering period. Also, 9 weeks is more of guideline. I have had 8-9 week strains take as long as 10 or 11 weeks to finish. Post some pics when you think you are getting close and we will give you a hand. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
I've never had a plant finish when the breeders say they should but then again I like some amber on my trichs


Misguided Angel
I've never had a plant finish when the breeders say they should but then again I like some amber on my trichs
It is usually pretty close to the breeders time for me, but I also don't start counting flowering until I see pistils either... I lean more towards mostly cloudy with just a couple ambers popping up towards the end, so that would shave off probably damn near a week between the two of us. Good stuff!


Well-Known Member
i would still say you have about 3 weeks left, keep giving them nute for 2 more weeks then if you want for the last week just give them water and you should see considerable swelling and possibly some new growths. let them go another 2 weeks and repost some pictures.