When to move cannabis Outside?


Well-Known Member
You need to harden them off first and by that I mean, on day one, put them out for about 1/2 hour... on day two, 1 hour.. next day 2 ...next day 3 after that you should be good to keep them out...is there a reason you kept them inside all this time? just wondering, because I would have started them outdoors from the start.
You need to harden them off first and by that I mean, on day one, put them out for about 1/2 hour... on day two, 1 hour.. next day 2 ...next day 3 after that you should be good to keep them out...is there a reason you kept them inside all this time? just wondering, because I would have started them outdoors from the start.
Yes, I was afraid of them going into flower to early thus the result will be a small plant so I've been keeping a couple of my plants inside + I'm an Lllegal grower so I was a bit paranoid as well but Now that I talked to my neibors they won't call the cops on me so the main focus now is the plant. The stem feels pretty hard but what I was mainly concered about was the stage; Like if I put them outside right now will they grow still and wilol they flip into flowering or will they stay in shock because the day light hours is 13 1/2 here,
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