When to move plant from darkness to light

When do you move your plants from the dark to light?
I plan on germinating in a damp towel and putting the seed into a cup of potting dirt. I've been told to put syran wrap over the cup and keep it in a dark warm humid area. At what point do you move the plant onto your window sill or expose it to light? Then, when is the best time to move it outdoors? Thanks for any help, its much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you are growing outside I'd put it in the cup, in potting soil, and let it sprout out in the sun. I wouldn't do the the paper towel method. The sun is bright and it is easy to burn a plant going from inside to outside, so I think it's best to leave it in the sun from the start, that way the plant is adjusted to it.


Active Member
Hey i'm having the same xact problem as you man. I have germed about 4 seeds now in the paper towle method and then the tap roots showed so i placed them in my growing medium. Got the soil a littloe moist. And now i have them in my computer case for warmth. I'm hoping this will be sufficiant conditions for a sprout ???? I'm not sure if its safe to get them outside yet. Im in the PNW and its pretty cold still.
So you mean just place the seed in the cup of potting soil and let them germinate/sprout out in the sun? Do you think they'll even sprout if I use some basic scott's organic potting soil?


New Member
i just used the paper towel method until i saw the seeds crack open alil bit and a small root starting to form outa it. then i put them into those starter pucks that u can get from home depot or lowes. they work really well. iv got some pics here. so u can see what the pucks look like. and i have 2 sets of plants so look at like the 3rd-7th pics on the list. There are also some pics of some bigger plants that are about 3-4 weeks old. i had like 8 seeds and 4 of them sprouted after like 2 or 3 days. and then i just threw them in those pucks and threw them under my lights and within a week they have gotten to the point they are in the pics but u could still put them outside or on ur window sill and would prob do pretty much the same thing. outside would be better tho cus then u would make sure it has light as much as possible and not just the time of day when the sun actually shines brightly in ur window. once the roots have grown thru the bottom of the pucks i just stick them straight into soil. and i use scotts and i love it. great soil. try out those pucks and either get some lights to put inside or throw that thing outside.


Well-Known Member
So you mean just place the seed in the cup of potting soil and let them germinate/sprout out in the sun? Do you think they'll even sprout if I use some basic scott's organic potting soil?
If they sprout in a paper towel they will certainly sprout in potting soil, unless your potting soil has fertilizer added to it. I never use the paper towel method, straight into soil it goes and 3 - 7 days later they are sprouting. Less handling of the fragile roots it is starting to grow and less chance of getting a fungus infection. If you are impatient and have to see something happen then do the paper towel method otherwise just put them straight in soil and don't worry about it.
marijuana is a weed. there is very little that will hold those little ambitious things back from growing. all you you really need is sunlight, dirt with nutrients, and water, and i promise they WILL grow.


New Member
marijuana is a weed. there is very little that will hold those little ambitious things back from growing. all you you really need is sunlight, dirt with nutrients, and water, and i promise they WILL grow.

tru that but the better the lighting situation the better the results