When to nute MG soil


Active Member
I'm 3 days into flowering with a 1.5ft tall plant, and it's been 7 days since my last watering.

Up until now, I've used only water. I am using Miracle Grow soil (dumb I know).

Should I use some of my Tiger Bloom nutrients today? Does the MG still have enough nutes left that it'll burn the leaves if I add more right now?

The plant was a clone about 7 inches tall when I got her, and it was vegged for 22 days IIRC.


It's under a 150watt HPS and 2 42watt CFLs if that makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Shoot, what does the MG bag say? Most of them contain time released nutes good for 3 months!!


Well-Known Member
i used mg soil once for an indoor grow. i read alot of negatives. so i was afraid to feed like you. my plants yellowed from a lack of nitrogen. what i would do is let the soil dry out a little and then flush it to try and leech out as much of the mg you can. then i would start feeding it at the next watering and every time after that . just feed it by the instructions on the bottle. use just water for the last week atleast and try to do a flush when you start that last week of flower.
i now use ocean forest soil and feed every watering what a difference. but dont be afraid to feed with the mg soil.