When to plant seed by geographical location and strain


Well-Known Member
Is there some sort of a guide that i can look at which tells when to plant the seed based on location and time of year? I want to do an outdoor lowryder grow but im not sure when to plant the seed

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Pot is a heat loving plant, like peppers & tomatoes. When your soil reaches 60 degrees or more, & no more cold fronts is going to pass throgh, it's time to plant. Geographically speaking, 40 miles either way can be different from where you are at.

Brick Top

New Member
You can use Google to find the latest recorded freeze date and average temperatures per month in your town and then go by that and soil temperature.


Well-Known Member
Lowryder is specifically bred so that you do not have to worry about Photoperiod and its relation to your Geographical location.

As an Auto flowering strain, it can be grown anytime between frosts.