when to plant seeds

got a fast question my seeds been in germ for about 3 days today one of them open up with like a white root sticking out when should i plant it in soil?


Well-Known Member
when they pop is a good time. I just soak for 12hr then put in soil. Don't have to mess with them that way.


Well-Known Member
Well you want your soil to be watered, not dry. If you let it dry out if can kill the seed before it sprouts. Once I plant I use a spray bottle and mist them a few times a day, then stop once a sprout comes up.

Yea, that's all you do. You can put a dome over them and mist it a few times a day to help with humidity as well as a heat pad under them. Be careful planting the seed, the taproot is delicate.
Well you want your soil to be watered, not dry. If you let it dry out if can kill the seed before it sprouts. Once I plant I use a spray bottle and mist them a few times a day, then stop once a sprout comes up.

Yea, that's all you do. You can put a dome over them and mist it a few times a day to help with humidity as well as a heat pad under them. Be careful planting the seed, the taproot is delicate.
okay buddy thanks for all the info my first grow im excpting them to die D:
well thanks for all the information i stuck my seed in some top soil 2 days ago now i have a nice lil steam sticking up with 2 leafs on it i'll let the dirt come to almost a crust dry then wet it down again with a water bottle im post pics of it asap :) im messing with the lighting right now see whats best im currently runing 8 hour lightiing about the same for darkness:leaf:

journal https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journal...ml#post6621414