When to put plants to flower?


Active Member
Was Just Wondering Plants Have reached 14, 16, 18 and 21 inches would this be a good time to put them all into flowering? I figured if i start now they should top off at about 3-4 feet tall after 60 days of flowering is this correct?



Well-Known Member
I don't believe that is true because you can top them and let them sprout more branch's to grow wider instead of taller and you will still produce a lot of bud. It really just depends if you want them tall or not, but seeing that you have them at 3-4 ft tall guess thats not a prob. I still am also new to this, but very close to a very great organic grower.


Well-Known Member
Oh sorry i didn't read that correct sorry long day at work, but yea like i said before same thing goes even though their only 16-21 inch's tall they can still be flowered.


Active Member
can i flower for a few days just to be certain on sex and then reveg? If so how long should i keep veging for what certain sign am i looking for to start flowering? Height?



Well-Known Member
you can flower until it shows sex,, then reveg and get it to the size you want,,, just remember it WILL triple in size,,,, at least, when in flower.:peace:..


Well-Known Member
Maybe, I am wrong then you can flower then re-vegetate. It really just depends how big you want them.


Active Member
Cool Thanks!
When Does everyone here start flowering? after theyre about 3-4 feet tall?
Curious. Im not in a rush just want to grow these few tomatoes (cough cough) right.


Well-Known Member
your going to need a high ass ceiling if your going to veg to that height... I usually veg for 6 weeks or until they are about12-14 inches then flower..


Active Member
i have them under 1700 equivalent watts of cfl mix of day and cool white and warm. 10 square ft ive got 8 feet of height after allowance of 12inches for the hoods i have only 6 1/2 feet to play with so thats why i need to know when to flower knowing they will double or triple in height during flowering helps.
looking right now for hps for the flower stage.