When to re pot?


When is it best to to replant into bigger pots is it best to do it when the light comes on or when it's being turned off or does it not really matter?


Active Member
In my experience it doesn't really matter all that much. You would want to keep in mind that the soil needs to be completely dry, and make sure not to do it during floweing. Whenever you do it, keep in mind it will take a few days to a week or so for the plant to adjust and extend its roots before you see any grow in size. Cheers.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Very true... two words of advice to solve your problem.

1.) When you first plant your seed or clone, make sure to use a very large grow container so no transplanting is necessary. Drill a bunch of good size holes in a 3 or. 5 gallon bucket!


2.) When first planting seed or clone use a jiffy pot or a container that will decompose inside your new container.

Be sure to get the soil you're transplanting IN TO is close in temperature to the soil that the plants are already in. Transplanting is ok however it causes root shock and stresses the plant. That's why IMO its always better to use the largest container possible from start to finish. Or just drop the soil & go hydro. Requires more daily monitoring but over I think it's easier to manage what you have plus you'll never need to transplant since the root system stays suspended in water. Any more questions feel free to ask.

Things that need to be similar when transplanting:

pH level of soil
pH level of water used for feeding & foliar feeding
temperature of soil
Temperature of grow space
Air humidity

Just don't put any nutrients in the soil you're transplanting to as it will cause burn & more stress to the plants thus stopping/slowing growth!


Well-Known Member
Do it just prior to lights out. This gives the stressed repotted plant 6 hours or so to start recovery. Its less stressful than repotting then chucking it under a 1000w blazing away for 18 hrs.