when to repott


Active Member
hi peeps just wondered when i should put my kush into flower.they have ben in veg for 4 weeks now they are only about 6inch tall.also when should i pot them in my 5litre pots,they are currently in 1litre pots with roots coming out the bottom.please helpbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Did you take clones yet? or do you plan too? Make sure you get those before you switch. 6" isnt very tall, the lowest ive switch over is about 15" But some people do it at 12 inches and prefer to make lots of little crops, some people do it at 36" and have larger crops but fewer of them. You get more out of smaller crops if you get a good continuous cycle. And for when to switch pots ya you can wait for roots out the bottom or you can just switch them when you feel like there running out of room to grow. I usually switch before i see root just so they get some fresh soil with some fresh nutes in it.


Active Member
ive grew them from seed when should i take clones.they are 4weeks now since they sprouted thanks mate.


Well-Known Member
you can repot whenever you see roots comin out the ass. although, going along with jester, think about cuttings, personally i think 6" is way to short to be snipping bits off them , just repot , give them a good feed and let them grow a bit till there about 10-12".


Active Member
what size yeild should i get off og kush.i got four in coco under a 600w supernova.when should i be putting them into flower.thanks for the replys


Well-Known Member
impossible to answer mate too many variable at play; nutes, p'h, temps, veg time, pheno types etc. only thing io will say is that with a full 4 weeks veg and all going well in the right conditions i would want at least 3 oz a plant going by my own past experience. and as for veg time its your own choice , the longer the veg the bigger the plant the higher the yeild, just remember they will double and sumtimes more when you flip the lights so take into account your height restrictions.