when to sprout seeds nw indiana?


Active Member
ok here is my delimia, i live in nw indiana where weather can be kinda crazy. due to the growth of my family (twins) I lost my grow room and want to move to out door cultivation. I only have limmited experience with outdoor. that said I have researched it some and have turned up confusing results, such as when to sprout your seeds if you plan to transplant 3' plants to maximize overall growth during growing seasion. basically I need some sugestions on strain types that are known for their resistants when grown outdoors and what can i expect per plant like height and harvest estimates. i have plenty of space and height isnt a concern just not wanting to care for too many so just a few to try at first. I have herd that outdoor plants can yeild 5# dried? ia this even possibel? someone plz help>.:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Sprout after the last frost. In OH I sprout about 4/20. Be careful of choppers in that region it seems Ohio and Indiana get hit hard. First time outdoors expect 1-8 ozs depending on how hard you work and how knowledgeable you are. After a couple years you'll be hitting a lb or two per plant.


Well-Known Member
1-2 pounds is more realistic. For five pound monsters you need to start in January at the latest, have irrigation setup right, and have supports ready. Usually each plant is on twelve foot centers. Also inside growers tend to favor hydroponic nutrients and outside growers do better with slow release fertilizers or soils loaded with organic matter


Active Member
Super critical strain does better in colder climates.. That would be the white strain i believe
Michigan this strain likes

Killer Super Blueberry Not a big yielder 6 10 oz but killer Likes NW Indiana:weed:
These are a couple of strains i know about. I am sure there must be even more
Pretty much everything there gets harvested around mid October doesn't it?


Well-Known Member
You will want to grow stains that are mostly indica and finish early. If you can start them inside, do that in March and put them outside in mid-may. You could prob get away with putting them out a little sooner, but the risk may not be worth the reward. You risk them starting to flower if you put them out to soon, also the weather isn't that great at that time of year anyways so I wait until May and always end up with big plants. Really you want to harvest by late Sept if possible, but if you need to can go til about Halloween.

I am growing Tora Bora and Purple Wreck this year. I am hoping for at least a lb off of each. The last two years in Mich, I have averaged a little more than 1lb/plant, my biggest being 2lbs. I plant into the ground with amended soil and some additives. Pots are nice, but I can't always get to my plants to water, so I found that the pots were drying out too fast. If I was near the plants everyday I would consider pots, but the ground works pretty good too.

Just pick out a nice, fast finishing, indica, get it a spot with good light and you will have a nice harvest
i live in nw indiana where weather can be kinda crazy.
That's not too terribly far from where I plan on growing this year, looks like we're in the same boat.

basically I need some sugestions on strain types that are known for their resistants when grown outdoors and what can i expect per plant like height and harvest estimates.
Well I have some great news for you sir! I have two strains that are not only pretty inexpensive as far as professional cannabis seeds go, but are also suited for our kind of climate. Both are from Mandala Seeds, the first being Mandala #1 and the other being 8 Miles High. These can be purchased through Herbies and Attitude, although Attitude seems to be very slow updating their website's stock information. There you can see in-depth instructions on how to germinate (you can't soak these seeds, you'll kill them), feed, and care for their brand of genetics.

I have herd that outdoor plants can yeild 5# dried? ia this even possibel?
On the Mandala site they state that you can get upwards of 1000g dried per plant outdoors, but this is the most I have ever seen outdoors for a plant. There was a thread awhile ago about how this guy grew these 14' monsters up in MI, but those were seized not long after achieving such a height. Quite impressive, if you ask me.


New Member
How feasible is it to just grow inside instead? Or are you really set on having an outdoor setup? I know a lot of people really like growing hydroponically. You might look into it if it's not an option to grow outside.