When to start fertilizing and how much


Well-Known Member
Ok well the three plants im growing are about 5-6 weeks old. on 12/12 now. They where in miracle gro moisture grow for 3-4 weeks. then i transplanted them into 5 gallon buckets with fresh fox farms ocean forest and they seem to be doing good. I have the fox farms liquid trio on hand ready to use. In the mean time i water about EOD with cal-mag. They show no signs of deficiency, and growth seems to be okay. But since i did the transplant i dont know when i should wait to start fertilizing, and also how many mL of the fox farm trio do they get? It was hard for me to interprit the fox farm feeding schedule. thanks


well if you transplanted right before flowering i would lay off nutes for 7 to 10 days then start giving them the nutes at 1/2 strenth
as for when. after you water wait 7 to 10 days so it would be (nute, water next day, nute, water etc} see how they react then increase to full
strenth if need and stop last 7 to 10 days before harvest.