When to start flowering? Number of fan leaf blades? Height? Whenever?

I've checked out a number of threads about when to flower, but I'd like to double-check.

What indicator do you use to determine when to go from veg to flower? Height? Number of fan leaf blades? X number of weeks of veg?

Setup: Six plants, started from seed. Four Top44, two Afghani. Currently in an IKEA wardrobe, inside dimensions about 2' x 3', with five feet of vertical space (Will be extended to a little over 6' by removing the bottom shelf.) Everything is currently in 3qt pots. FF Ocean Forest soil, FF nutes given every other feeding according to their schedule. Tap water, left to dechlorinate for 24 hours and pH adjusted with lemon juice to about 6.5. Lighting is 6 42W 6500K CFLs, 18/6 since they were planted. (Was 12 42W bulbs, but the plants were getting stressed and dried out, with high temps around 90F ... now with 6 bulbs, the temps top out around 80F.)

Seeds were germinated the week of 3/15, planted the week of 3/22 (Afghani) and 3/29 (Top44), so they've been in 18/6 for 7-8 weeks now.

The Afghanis are short and stocky, and aren't growing nearly as fast as the Top44. They're up to about 9" tall, and are showing 9 blades per fan leaf. Leaves are healthy-looking, but not shiny. Three of the four Top44's are about 12" tall, very healthy-looking with dense foliage, and I've seen one or two 11-blade fan leaves. The last of the Top44's is much taller and less dense, for no obvious reason, and it's up to 18". No topping done on any of these plants. (It's my first grow. Getting the basics down first.)

I'm considering switching flowering stage (6 or 8 2700K 40W CFL's, 12/12, and an appropriate change in nutes), mostly because of the height restriction and because the plants are maturing nicely. Is there any argument for waiting any longer?

Will get pics tonight. Know how you guys love good pot porn.

- Bud


Well-Known Member
ive thrown plants into flower after 1 month 2 months...hell even 12/12 straight from seed...and funny enough ive had higher yields 2 times around doing 12/12 from seed. To me its just one big experiment..i do things dif. All the time. But yes i guess the general rule of thumb...longer the veg the more she will throw you. Personally i like to give it about 1 1/2 months and i top to get a nice even canopy...some people top after inducing flower...i have done so. But i like to top in veg as much as i need to...cause once i put them in flower i dont wanna have to mess with them anymore. If ur plants are looking good then right on, but personaly i would not follow the fox farm feeding chart...always start at a weaker strength then work your way up. And from trail runs using FF soil and FF nutes...you dont need to feed every other feeding...i figured out water...water...feed...water...water..feed worked best for me with FF products.


:leaf::leaf::?::?::?: What's the point of topping the plants? I've got three plants that are about 2 1/2 feet tall. I just started them on 12/12 by bringing them in at night and letting them get natural sunlight during the day. I don't have any experience in this what so ever so any help is appreciated. :?::?::?::leaf::leaf: You know, the more I read, the more I start to think that I should have started flowering way earlier. Tell me this. Will weed grow to the size of it's pot, or will it just keep trying to grow? So many questions, just trying to figure this out.


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf::?::?::?: What's the point of topping the plants? I've got three plants that are about 2 1/2 feet tall. I just started them on 12/12 by bringing them in at night and letting them get natural sunlight during the day. I don't have any experience in this what so ever so any help is appreciated. :?::?::?::leaf::leaf:
2 main colas = more budds i guess. idk nvr sucessfully grown it.

12/12 makes the plant start buddin.


Well-Known Member
I am on my first grow and will convince you to top for two colas or fim for even more....I am growing 4 plants two white widows that havent been topped or fimmed, and two northern lights, one topped and one fimmed. Here are pics from two weeks flowering as you can see the topped one has two main colas and a few other big ones and the fimmed one has 6 main ones and a few other decent sized ones...