when to switch to flower?


For my first grow my girl is growing bigger and bigger every day. When should I switch her to flower? It is an Green Martian (Indica). My area is limited in height to 58". Thanks for any help as I stumble my way through the first grow.

tony mantana

New Member
it depends...i usually turn it to 12/12 after 6 weeks...but it depends on space and light also..after your plant starts to flower it will double in size..maybe a bit less....but also keep in mind that the longer your plants veg the bigger your roots will grow= more bud...hope this helps


I have a 3 gal and the roots are starting to peak out the bottom. Think it is time to switch to 12/12. Nervous because the stupid timer was such a pain before. Thanks man.

tony mantana

New Member
no problem...but if your roots are poping out the bottom then u probably need a bigger pot...i veg from 4 to 6 weeks and always use 5 gallon pots..its a perfect size...but if its not possible for this go then just keep in mind for next time. youll do just fine....and remember, during veg, you usually try to keep the dirt as dry but not too dry, and during flowering its always good to leave your soil moist, if using dirty, that helps keep your plant from goin to starvation mode...and week 5 of flowering remove 8 percent of your fan leaves, so the light seeps into you buds, causing denser nuggies....lol if you have anymore questions you can always text me....just send me a invite..later homie and good luck....remember to keep everything on a calender....lol


Well-Known Member
keeping pots moist will invite knats and issues for the plant. Only experienced should play with the word moist soil. Not any different in veg./flower keep em on the dryer side before watering. Meaning pick up the pot when fully watered for weight. Then in 3-5 days pick it up noting the light weight. Just before the leaves drop water it. i dont like the idea of taking leaves off either except maybe the last couple weeks flower if the lower branches are not getting light. Move em around with string to position best for light..Tie a string below the bud and put a nail in the wall, pot etc. to tie em best.


Thank you all. I have made a lot mistakes on this first full indoor grow. I have 4 clones coming and I will be using a lot of what I learned from you all and from trial and error (lots of error) for the new ladies. Happy New Year and may it be as high as the last or higher.