When to tie down a plant to avoid detection


i have five plants in 20 gallon smart pots. they are about two months old and are getting big. would like to tie them down some. when should i start...any tips?


Well I got some 45 gallon bags n i frist tie them down just ass far they well go then I wait about too days then I strat too cage them!! Grow them in n out some deer fence


Well-Known Member
If they are already 2 months old, they must have thick stems so LST will be tough but not impossible. I would recommend you do as the last poster mentioned and slowly and gently tie down branches as much as they will go without snapping and after a couple days while the plants get used to the low stress and their stems become more malleable so you can tie them down further. You should listen to your plant though, as you are doing it to make sure you're not causing too much stress/strain


Well-Known Member
tie them down really low and when there side branches start growing up like like main branches tie those down and then repeat etc etc etc and u will have and awesome grow