when to top


Active Member
you top above the 2nd true node for 2 to 4 main tops

but you wait until it has 5 or 6 true nodes, so the roots have time to spread out


Well-Known Member
use fim and lst. as for if its better or not that depends on your setup and how much light you have and etc., what topping does is slow down vertical growth and get more bushy plants, and 2 new tops for normal topping and 4-8 e/fim.


Well-Known Member
Is it better to top or not will I get more weed or it is still about the same
Good question?
From what I'm seeing,,,so far I'm in the air,,,more cola's but smaller colas. It seems to allow more light into the canopy, There fore you may able to plant more plant's in a specific room especially if space is limited. But I don't know yet and will be able to let you guy's know soon enough:mrgreen:,,,Maybe some one else can help us out:confused:


the earliest i have topped is the node right after the corty's and the first set of real serrated leaves.... i think the best time to top is right after the first node of sets of 5 leaflets


wait do you mean the first node or 5th?

i myself count the first set of SINGLE serrated leaves the first node. others dont.... the next set of leaves is gonna be the first TRUE set of leaves.... the 3 fingered ones... thats the earliest node you can top... ive tried it it works..... the best time i think to top though is on your secound set of 5 fingerd leaves... not the first.... though you can just has easily top that first 5 fingerd node.


ok I got it now bro I am gonna go for an outdoor sativa dom or pure sativa so I will get a chance to practice ha ha noob

better make sure you get like a durban poison or something with a shorter flowering period... your in the uk no? i dont think certain pure sativas will finish by you