When topping, do you cut above the node, or right below the node, or doesn't matter?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

i was wondering, when topping a plant, do you cut above the top most node, or right below the top most node? Or neither perhaps?



Active Member
rofl howd you do that, you have no idea how many times ive wanted to tell people to go fucking google it


Well-Known Member
Pretty much owned him.
hahaha, im a member of a lot forums and that response is pretty generic. I know what its like to see first timers asking questions that have probably been answered - but it can be a bit tough sometimes wading through all the info.

Thanks everyone regardless. lets all smoke a fatty now:D


Well-Known Member
Man, for a pot forum you'd think people would be a little nicer to one another. Yeah, it does get kind of old seeing the same questions getting posted over and over everyday, but sometimes people aren't computer savy or know how the forum works yet or know about the stickies. Just remember guys, we were all noobs at one point.:smile:


Sector 5 Moderator
Why do people have to be morons? Top it 1/2" above the second node. You only count the true leaves.


Well-Known Member
Why do people have to be morons? Top it 1/2" above the second node. You only count the true leaves.
Why do people have to be morons?

I myself prefer to get enough growth on top to clone the topping, I even wait a bit to get at least 5-7 fan fingers for the clone to start with. To me it would seem the more surface area the leaves have to capture lumens then it would grow just a bit faster an maybe even have bigger/more potent buds... one can hope. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Hey all,

i was wondering, when topping a plant, do you cut above the top most node, or right below the top most node? Or neither perhaps?

Not to be a asshole but THERE IS A FUKIN PIC OF WHERE YOU SHOULD CUT IT IN UNCLE BENS FORUM perfection takes practice you ho :)