When will I see signs of sex???


ive grow massive crops before and small ones also, the only problem is i never get them to go undiscovered before they show signs of sex(or at least i think), (the town or other groups of kids find and / or destroy them). I have two 2ft plants n pots now outside ive stared bout a month ago i am jw how long its gona take for signs of sex? if ne 1 could post pics or shed some light on this topic for me itd be much appreciated.

ill post photos asap


Well-Known Member
My month olds are starting to show sex without manipulating their photoperiod at all (outdoor in California).


Well-Known Member
Maybe you need to do more research on hidding your plants. If someone is finding them so earliy how are you going to feel after spending six months taking care of them only to be ripped days before harvest. I think you are putting the cart in front of the horse if ya ask me.


Well-Known Member
But to answer your question they will show signs of sex when the light cycle as been cut down to less than 14 hours off light. So if they are outside it could take months or if you change the light cycle inside you could see signs in two weeks.


thanks 4 the website tht shows the light cycle, n ya ur rigght but hiding the goods, my only problem is the area i live n is pretty developed i mean not many places to chose from, sumps, n the buffers to roadways u no abandon property n tiny state parks but thts it
if u nhave ne hints on how i shld b hinding theses n i think im staring another crap soon but if u have ne info of camouflaging these it be much appreciated

they will b directly n the ground mostlikly n a decent soil mix around the plant


Active Member
one of mine sexed way early and turned out to be male so i had to toss it out, but my other 3 still have no signs, and they all get the SAME exact sun light treatment. 6am-7pm.


New Member
you could get other plants of the same size and mix them around to camoufage, you could put a mini fense around the plants, or you could grow indoors :)