when will they show there sex

hey whats up first time growing have some progress however this plant in particular was given to me and I dont know how old it is I got it in may should this plant start to show me what sex it is at the end of june? and I also just switched to using mariene cusiene from fox farm >indonesian bat guano<alaska fish emulsion .Does anyone else use this and how does this plant look .sorry the picture kinda sucks but I have a shitty cell phone. when i got it.jpgweed.JPG06122010.jpg6-62010.JPG06172010.jpgrecent.jpg



Well-Known Member
Last year I was seeing signs of sex on my seedlings shortly after summer solstice.
should I try to change the light schedule to find out before the summer solstice or just wait The plant is already about 2 and 1/2 feet tall .shouldnt it have showed me by now what sex it is?I dont know what strain nor the age it was given to me.I just grew it and now I want to clone it and I cant yet because it wont show its sex.If I do go to a 12/12 light schedule will it retern back to veg.or will it stay in flowering.or do you have to have a magnifying glass to see this shit maybe im not looking at my plant rite .any ideas will greatly be appreciated