When would be the best time to start growing in the uk?


Well-Known Member
I live in the uk (near london) and was wondering when I should start planting me seeds? I’m pretty sure doing it now would be the worst time as it’ll be too cold for the seedlings and I fear that they will die early on in their life. Would I be able to grow them indoors until they go into the flower stage then transfer them outdoors?
I grow completely indoors :) Yet another option. Someone from the UK will be around to help. But just thought I'd add that.
I was thinking of growing indoors but I just don’t have the space tbh, I’d also utilise my garden and not have to deal with the electric bill
The sun is a much better light than anything you can buy. I'm in the Los Angeles suburbs so I worry about rippers so inside it is for me. Best of luck on your grow.
high, your too late to plant out this year, even with an auto. even just to flower. too wet.
your looking to plant outdoors at about late april may time for me.
you say grow them indoors and then put them out to flower, if you have an indoor light, why not grow indoors, or is it the smell thats a problem
Plant your seeds in the ground before winter and the seedlings will begin to grown "at the right time" and you will be surprised how early they germinate. I in the Toronto area and was surprised when I saw plants growing on their own and how hardy they are.
Plant your seeds in the ground before winter and the seedlings will begin to grown "at the right time" and you will be surprised how early they germinate. I in the Toronto area and was surprised when I saw plants growing on their own and how hardy they are.
this is the uk, i know they can germ early if temps are good, but the chances of growing a random plant to full flower is low, you need the right seed to finnish early enough
Plant your seeds in the ground before winter and the seedlings will begin to grown "at the right time" and you will be surprised how early they germinate. I in the Toronto area and was surprised when I saw plants growing on their own and how hardy they are.

Aren’t they prone to getting killed by a spring frost after they sprout? That would be my fear. I’m in New England. Traditional rule of thumb has been to germinate indoors and put them in the ground after Memorial Day. I know a few people who lost plants to a late frost after an early thaw here.
this is the uk, i know they can germ early if temps are good, but the chances of growing a random plant to full flower is low, you need the right seed to finnish early enough
I would at least give this method a try. I am in canada as well, how late in fall sis u place seeds in ground.
Aren’t they prone to getting killed by a spring frost after they sprout?

I thought the same thing but I have changed my mind.
I live near Toronto and last year I had some "accidental" growths.
It was not even two weeks after the snow disappeared that seeds that fell in my lawn grass at harvest time the previous year started growing. Those were my best plants - while the ones I started indoors where weak.

This year I replicated the experiment with a dozen seeds I left out during the winter and they all sprouted this spring and none of them died. Again, the outdoor ones were stronger than the indoor germinated ones.

If you have free "bag seeds", give it a try.
Think of this - this is how they have been growing in the wild for millions of years.
Ok well for most of the uk may to october technically is your season ideally you want stuff finished for sept so next year start seeds late April plant out may after no more frosts op you being near london might get away with putting em out in April if theres no frosts the south of England is warmer and at a lower lat then Scotland where im at so you guys can start earlier and probably harvest later than i ever could