When you dry your buds, what's the weight-loss-percentage in the process?


Hahaha yea it's a bit of a buzzkill when you compare wet to dry :D But yeah seems to be roughly somewhere around that 75% according to my experiences as well


New Member
75 % seems to be the consensus , unless your a Cash Cropper , those cats tend to make sure it retains at least 15% moisture at minimal lol


Active Member
75 % seems to be the consensus , unless your a Cash Cropper , those cats tend to make sure it retains at least 15% moisture at minimal lol
15%!!! whats this wonderful land of fayries and magic where dial-a-dealers sell well dried weed, haha im sure most i know practically pick it straight off the plant and sell you it...


Yea but thanks to growing myself, I think it's pretty easy to tell nowadays is it good shit or bullshit just by looking at it :D ...and later on also realized that I've had some terrible weed sometimes in the past :D