When You Stop Buying Things You Don't Need

Wow I was going to say, looks like this thread failed, but upon reaching the second page, my faith was renewed. It is sad to see so many people caught up in materialism, and sadder still to see those freed from it (prevented from indulging in it by circumstance), embrace it upon being able to. I liken it to gay people trying to get married. It's like, you guys & gals were an amazing cornerstone of counter culture on a huge level, but now you are lobbying to be "equal" in order to be subject to the whims of the vile patriarchy, just like everyone else? It's like complaining that you didn't get hit in the face cuz the 3 guys next to you got to get punched. I guess my anaolgy is off topic, but the point was fuck materialism, and externalization in general. I am trying to restore my intuition and my heartspace, which feels very hard from living somewhat unconsciously in the faux reality of "hard work" and "off time rewards". I am learning to work as my reward and to do it in a way that I enjoy, and that produces results that I endorse.
all in moderation. if you have taken care of all your and your family's needs. why not treat yourself to something nice ? and occasionally throw a buck or two at a homeless person, buy them some food or a drink. or tip a waitress a little more than average. or donate some time.

just make sure you live your life the best way you know how and try not to be an ass to people .... treat them as you would want to be treated. and buy what ever you want. you earned it. just be grateful
Not you tip top. There were a few posts on the previous page that my post could have been used in response too though. I really like what you had to say actually, and feel that it could also be used to describe me in a sense. It is a good question to ask yourself though; if there were nothing you wanted that money could buy, would you continue to work?
lol that would be me ... I fully admitt to being a materialistic pig ... no apologies either ... I love my toys ! I worked hard for my toys ... I love to play with my toys ... fuck with my toys and we are gonna fight . Its true that money cant buy happiness .. no doubt there .. but it makes the pursuite so much more fun ....

hell im nowhere near that top 30 percent .. I make payments on my toys till I own them and then start all over ....