Where can i buy light bulb splitters?


Active Member
where can i buy light bulb splitters? i cant find any online at like lowes, home depot and stuff? but you think they'd have em if i just went in there gotta go there soon. i just need 2 or 3 y splitters for like 4 or 6 cfl bulbs. if you know where i can get em and what the prices on em usally are id appreciate it. thanks for the help.

Illegal Smile

Just remember that for most reflectors you will also need and extender, the thing that screws in a socket, has a socket on the end, and a couple outlets on the sides.


Well-Known Member
Just bought mine at home depot 2.44 a piece. And got 4 26 watt soft white cfl at wally world 7.00 happy growing