Where can I buy rockwool?


Active Member
(lighting...puffing...passing) :joint:
Brand noob, need a little direction.

Like a good noob, I've been reading and getting my supplies together; got a happy package of seed in the mail yesterday, so now i'm ready to GROW...but i can't find rockwool in my area! I've tried Home Depot, WalMart, local nurseries...Is it some sort of insulation? Some type of floral foam? where do i get these magical cubes!?

Looking forward to your help,


Well-Known Member
Rockwool is used primarily for hydroponics and thus is not usually sold at traditional nurseries, and yes it is a very specialized product so it's not really sold anywhere else. You can buy it online if it's not sold locally and it's pretty cheap and cheap to ship due to it's low weight. Under most circumstances I find that Rapid-Rooters work better than rockwool and are easier to use, just drop in the sprouted seed and your done, no need to wet it or correct for Ph like you have to do with rockwool. If your doing a soil grow you can do without the germination plugs entirely, just germinate in a paper towel and plant directly into the soil, I always found that works best and forms the best root system. Hope this helps!


Active Member
:::puffing and passing again:::

Hey thanks for the speedy response.

So I am using peat pellets right now for some MK clones; no harvest yet (told ya, I'm a brand noob...long time smoker, backyard veggie farmer for the last few years, but this is my first bud grow, and it's purely from cloning so far).

I want to experiment with the rockwool for the OG clones to see which method works best for me. Are pellets the same as Rapid Rooters?

I'd like to start some seed in rockwool as well...are you suggesting I stick with the pellets instead?

This site is INVALUABLE! I thought I knew a lot about bud, I am learning something new every time I log on!


Well-Known Member
buy little cubes to start them, like 4x4cm cubes from grodan, if the roots show you place them into bigger cubes such as 4" or 6" ones. those bigger ones you ca put then into expanded clay pellets if you like but it is not necessary.
watch the "mr. green" vid, i highly recommend this to you to get a first idea for a good set up.


Active Member
Ha ha! Just got the rockwool from the smoke shop round the way! (for noobs like me, see pic attached).

I saw the Mr Green video, thanks for the reminder.
I also like the soil video, the one where the title are white on black scene between each phase.

Totally motivated now....hmph, that means I need to smoke some more!



Well-Known Member
whats the purpose of the peat pellets?

One more question....Once the you dip the root in root hormone and place it in the rock wool. Do you keep it in the rockwool and plant it in the soil or what? Long does should i wait before planting in the soil?
I went to my first hydroponics store yesterday, it was like I died and went to heaven! I highly suggest you look one up, I took a 25 minute drive to visit mine and it was well worth it. if you dont live around an urban area you might have to go farther, or simply order online.


Well-Known Member
I went to my first hydroponics store yesterday, it was like I died and went to heaven! I highly suggest you look one up, I took a 25 minute drive to visit mine and it was well worth it. if you dont live around an urban area you might have to go farther, or simply order online.
thank you i found one near i live


Well-Known Member
It took my awhile but i found the rockwool. It looks awesome. Can someone help me when Im there, they have soo much stuff and i want to make sure i buy all the right materials. I will post in here while im there