hahalmao you can dry them at my house......i will make sure they dry and cure with perfection...
Water cure?haha
Op you can water cure if you cant hang them to dry.
Id love to know... I found this thread while searching "water curing"What's water curing? luls
Smoke another onemold cant grow underwater.,.,.u fill a jar 1/2-2/3 the way with fresh cut buds.,.,then u fill the jar with water until it covers the buds u let the jar sit inna dark/co0l place.,change water every 12 hours.,., idont kno how long u have to do this for.,.,.,ive heard u lose alot of the smell/taste but not potency at all u could smoke a spliff in public from wat i hear and kno reg herb smell.,.,nvr done it i-self.,.,.,.,.,.but just pass'n on wat i kno.,.,others pleas chime in if u kno more
Lets dry our buds with water. what a great idea. Why didn't I think of this!?!?Smoke another one![]()
dont be stupid.Lets dry our buds with water. what a great idea. Why didn't I think of this!?!?
Ive also heard you can dry your bud by putting it on an open flame as well....