Where can I find wild plants in cali?



Well, I've never seen a wild plant before and im interested in finding some, to see how they grow and flourish. I was wondering if anybody knew of a place in cali wherethey are just natural and everywhere..Even if it's "bunk" plants...If not in cali, wheres the closest place?



Well-Known Member
Go north young man,, go north...:weed:
Well, I've never seen a wild plant before and im interested in finding some, to see how they grow and flourish. I was wondering if anybody knew of a place in cali wherethey are just natural and everywhere..Even if it's "bunk" plants...If not in cali, wheres the closest place?



Active Member
by wild do you mean somone elses outdoor grow haha ? i dno i guess thru out the mass production up north in outdoor grows its possible seeds/pollen traveled and created rogue patches of real wild weed ?


Active Member
Just go looking in places where stuff is growing you never know. I've found weed patches in new suburb development areas and overgrown fields in random places


your crazy dude. i live up in siskiyou county and i can tell you you do not want to get caught snooping around for plants. you might think they are wild but then you might also get shot.


Active Member
your crazy dude. i live up in siskiyou county and i can tell you you do not want to get caught snooping around for plants. you might think they are wild but then you might also get shot.
Exactly.. I know some outdoor grower who sleep in their patch when harvest is near and they sleep there with shotguns ready to shoot so... dont take this easily... people kill for that.


your crazy dude. i live up in siskiyou county and i can tell you you do not want to get caught snooping around for plants. you might think they are wild but then you might also get shot.
..geez. I wouldn't say what county I live in..Might as well just go tell the feds you smoke, and cultivate weed...

And true tho, never thought of it like that.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've never seen a wild plant before and im interested in finding some, to see how they grow and flourish. I was wondering if anybody knew of a place in cali wherethey are just natural and everywhere..Even if it's "bunk" plants...If not in cali, wheres the closest place?

o just come by my patch and see what im growing, its Lat42 lon 87, im just kidding

seriously tho, no ones going to rish their plants safety by telling a whole internet community where there's fields of green waiting to be taken

youd have better luck reading peoples outdoor grow journals


Active Member
if such a place existed i think it would have been taken care of by the government by now lol. chances are if you find any "wild" plants in the middle of a bunch of other plants it was a couple kids planting it where their parents wouldnt find it lol. california is too populated for there to be notable deposits of unclaimed weed growing you know? basically what im getting at is if you do find some, don't take them or care for them at all- at least at first- as they're probably someone elses. give it a few weeks once you find it to be sure youre not stealing someones baby!


Active Member
at the same time I think youd be pretty aware if u stumbled upon someones professional grow compared to a wild grow and then get the fuck out. Plus these people aren't going to be growing in spots u will easily find...

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
California is no way shape or form overpopulated , people overpopulate certain areas ,but there are so many open wild areas left in California , i think they will find big foot there


Active Member
lol yeah. MJ is a plant and it grows all over the damn place. To say its wiped out of an entire state is kind of ridiculous


Im legal dude i really aint trippin and im sure the feds could give a fuck about a personal medical operation


Im legal dude i really aint trippin and im sure the feds could give a fuck about a personal medical operation
lol okays.

I'm pretty sure if I stumbled on someones outdoor prof. grow up north in cali, id know it wasn't natural.

Anyway thanks for the replies xD I probably won't go looking. xD

I got some seedlings that popped up yesterday. Outdoors. Hope they'll get a gram at least this late in the year xD