where did u hide your...

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
I used to have one of those popcorn cans that had the 3 different flavors of popcorn, i used it as a nightstand for like 4 years and i would just double bag my herb and pipe and stuff it to the bottom of the can..

I also used to get big fat paint markers, empty all the paint out and stuff my wee in their. Nice thing was the marker tip still had paint in it so it looked just like a marker..


Well-Known Member
i put my bongs in air max boxes and put the shoes on top of the box so nothing looks suspicious, i kept my weed in the air maxes. money went in my money box(a small lock box)


Well-Known Member
I have a old phone box for the instinct pretty cool for hiding stuff. The cover would come off of the black box and that would open up in halves with cardboard pieces concealing the bottom...... oh high school.



I don't hide my treat, cuz when I get it, it's GONE. Money, well, I buried that shit- now I'm just chillin' waiting for the money to start to grow.


Active Member
I would hide my bong in a mini fridge attached to a cooler, and put my stash in an old vcr in my room. My pipe would just go were ever was convenient.


Well-Known Member
I've used chap stick containers, but that shows you how much I used to have on hand in the days I ever had to hide anything... I'm betting that's not very helpful for most of you cats! ;)


Well-Known Member
In a travel size board game case.. remember those things? With the little magnet pieces? Worked until my mom went on a road strip...


Active Member
my smoke alarm in the ceiling has a plastic ring that it attaches to, i hollowed the drywall out so i could screw on and off the the smoke alarm....the perfect spot


Active Member
ohhhhh a road strip , wouldnt she have come back with more money . hah playin .

best place to hide it was in my lungs if not there in a very old vinegar smelling ancient douche bottle that sat under the sink ..it was like magic johnson we all knew what it was , but no one would touch it .


Well-Known Member
haha! oh man, the days i had to hide my weed... i used to unscrew the light bulb and stick it underneath and screw it back in, the back of a play station is great...


Well-Known Member
As a youth I would hide my stash in the phone. 2 screws were all that kept the case on.
Of course it was one of the rotary type. I just had to be sure it did not touch the bells inside.


Active Member
all drawers can be pulled out rather easily, if you have a drawer in the bottom next to the floor, just pull the drawer completely out, to find an empty space between the floor and the drawer, you can stash anything there.