Where did your God come from?

Its measurements created by humans just like math. You can live without understanding it like a potato head. Or you can learn how to use the measurements to define yourself easier.
You do not need measurements to define yourself; you do not need to define yourself at all. Who you are is immeasurable; you are not your mind; you are not the Thinker in your head. You are pure Awareness; you are Aware of the Thinker but thoughts have nothing to do with who you are, they come and go just like all things, but You do not come and go like the material world, You are Eternal, Immortal, not fleeting; You are the Light.
when i was a wee lad i used to think god resided in my penis...such was the power of that body part....but now im older im not soo sure & think he/she/it may have moved somewhere else?...
when i was a wee lad i used to think god resided in my penis...such was the power of that body part....but now im older im not soo sure & think he/she/it may have moved somewhere else?...
Or you haven't seen the right girl to wake your gods or you might need a viagra.
You do not need measurements to define yourself; you do not need to define yourself at all. Who you are is immeasurable; you are not your mind; you are not the Thinker in your head. You are pure Awareness; you are Aware of the Thinker but thoughts have nothing to do with who you are, they come and go just like all things, but You do not come and go like the material world, You are Eternal, Immortal, not fleeting; You are the Light.
Its nice to believe in eternal spirits. I believe in atoms :)
Everytime I get into a religious conversation with people They tell me well if you can't look around you and see all the amazing things in this world and see that God exists then you are ignorant. So if God explains everything around me then what explains your God that is even more amazing than everything around me because he created it all?
I believe in God. I just have enough common sense to keep myself from going crazy trying to DEFINE God.
Its nice to believe in eternal spirits. I believe in atoms :)
Just as I am certain that an atom is fleeting, so too am I certain that I am not. Yes we could use the word spirit, I prefer Awareness; words are only pointers to the truth, You, your true Self is Immortal, You are no thing, how can you destroy nothing.