Where Do I Find Bud In Vancouver, Bc?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

im headed to vancouver bc for vacation next month for a few days, and i was wondering if anyone has any good ideas about where to hook up in the city, i wont be bringing bud across the border so will need to find some good chronic when i get there.....any ideas?

any feedback is appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately i dont live in bc and have no address there, so i need ideas about where to hook up in the city, where to find dealers and genuine pot heads looking to get rid of chron and no shady shit!

thanks for the idea tho, have checked out the budmail site, looks cool if you live in bc


Active Member
I'm not sure about this site, but most sites like this usually frown on talking about hook-ups and things of that nature. I've never been to Vancouver, but my cousin and her husband went. She said the Gasslight District is the neighborhood that has the coffee shops where you can buy weed. This was almost ten years ago, so I don't know if they are still there. I searched around the web looking for info on Canadian coffee shops acouple of years ago, but I reall couldn't find anything. Good luck and please let me know what the scene is like up there.8-)


Well-Known Member
ok people let me rephrase my question, when i am in vancouver bc, what are the herb friendly areas of the city where on might be able to come across some like minded people who might show me how to get some very pretty and good smelling flowers?

hope that is within the rollitup rules!
thanks for the ideas!


Active Member
the site is legit i have ordered at least 15-20 times

tidal you should just walk outside and go to any coffee shop ask the people in the back. over here in toronto there is friendly stranger shops everywhere if you ask the person behind the counter you can buy weed. they usually have a gram of few strains they charge 20$ a gram you cant get more then a half q

p.s you dont need an adress you can choose to go and pick it up from canada post


Well-Known Member
that is a good ideal colony, as far as the general mail goes, and the coffee shop thing sounds good too any other ideas send them my way


Well-Known Member
Socata, very true, very true......guess i could stroll into cannabis culture's magazing hq in vancouver and ask for emery............or if anyone there knew how to help me out...........but i wonder how many people have tried this.
it would be hilarious tho....
everyone let me know your thoughts please!


Well-Known Member
Marc encourages people to smoke with him, I did when I visited Vancouver. When you walk in you will smell the herb :)


Well-Known Member
marc emery will not help you, he has such a strict bail condition its not even funny. part of him goin to jail too is that he has to sign cannabis culture off to someone else. Go to gastown, grannville street or the best is commerical drive. commercial dr. and williams st. there is a cafe called joes cafe, lots of dealers hang there and the park across the street, there will also be people walking up and down asking if you need anything. if I knew you I'd give you some delivery numbers but...


Well-Known Member
Cannaseur, that is exactly the info i was looking for, i think i may have been on that street back in 98 when i was there, we were in a coffee shop and some dudes were dealing out of the shop, and within 5 mins of walking around town i was offered, just wanted to make sure the scene was still cool,
thanks bro,


Well-Known Member
cool mokie, sounds like all ya gotta do is wander in and out of coffee shops on hastings, pretty chill
coffee shops on hastings will not help you, they are under strict rules. No selling! No dealing. you can bring and smoke thats it. hastings street is not a great neighbourhood to boot, do not trust junkies selling weed there. trust me just go to where I told the other person to try. thats my hometown man


Well-Known Member
hey canna, how bout just meeting me around town and you could show me around and we could puff and have a good time? lol, hey id like to make some canadian friends for sure!


Well-Known Member
hey canna, how bout just meeting me around town and you could show me around and we could puff and have a good time? lol, hey id like to make some canadian friends for sure!
I would actually love to believe me but, I moved to montreal last year. The rep is still good enough though,lol.

P.S. what socata smoker meant is that on the top right hand corner of peoples posts where it shows where your from and blah blah blah? well, directly on top of that you will see the post number in white,then the justice scale with hearts on each end and then the 2 exclamation marks. Click on the scale write your name alonjg with comment and your done.
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Active Member
hey all, im new to vancouver and looking for some delivery greenery in coquitlam, i could drive out to van or burnaby anyone got any numbers they can hook me up with? i know this looks bad cause i just registered and stuff but im legit just ordered a bunch from budmail but it doesn't look like i'm getting anything till next week because of shipping :(



Well-Known Member
ya dude heres all my personal numbers

plus pics of my grow, my license number, SS#, CC# too just in case:blsmoke:


Active Member
lol i'm not a cop, im high right now actually just went and saw the laser light show at the planetarium, it was pretty damn good and i'm considering making that a weekly friday thing its so awesome