WHERE do spider mites come from?


Well-Known Member
You can bring them in on your clothes and shoes... say you walked by a bush and brushed your pant leg against it... it jumps off in your room...
houseplants... prbly indoor outdoor pets..

Then, you know, bringing in clones.

It's a pain in the ass, but, if you can do your garden work in clothes that you have not worn outside it really helps.
I do it nearly every visit.. haven't had spider mites indoors in a very very long time. At least don't do your work in clothes that you have spent a bit of time outdoors in..
like say... after cleaning up your yard, taking a hike, walking the dog... don't go straight to your room in those clothes.


This may sound funny, but go to the pet store and buy some mite spray for birds. If your plants arent in full bud it great. Safe for birds and disapates in 24 hrs


Well-Known Member
yup what hang said. all my experiences with them were outside though and i spend a lot of time outdoors in the woods and still have managed to somehow not bring bugs into my indoor grow. KNOCK ON WOOD!


Well-Known Member
easiest way to get mites is hanging around another grow with mites...or any type of establishment (say a dispensary) where people who may grow gather or clones are brought in and out of


Well-Known Member
if you have very few get on squashing those bastards....you can also use an alcohol water solution 1/3 parts to get rid of the mites apply this every 3 days until they are gone rinse 5 mins after application and i wouldnt use this on buds, keep squashing in between and mist alot as they wont breed in wet climates


Active Member
I have had real bad problems with mites in the past and have not had a problem with them since I started using this product, Azatrol. I spray this stuff directly on the leafs every couple of weeks and have had good luck in controlling them. Its a good preventative method to eliminate mite infestations.

Mites can really decrease your yield, good luck


don't know much about mites or anything.. i would think bringing pets near your plants would bring them in. if you have a pet u probably don't wash it everyday so yea just an idea.


Well-Known Member
They have the ability to teleport..:mrgreen:
welllllll they do have the ability to parachute lol....thats another thing if you have mites and can spare your fan shut it off for a while because mites, like spiders, will throw out some web and catch a breeze over to the next plant